Course Syllabus

Course number :


COCS 304


Name :

Data Structures



Contact hours :


42 Hrs Lecture

28 Hrs Lab






Course coordinator’s name:


Ms. Haneen Alraddadi

Course Instructor's name:

Ms. Haneen Alraddadi

Text book:


Object – Oriented Data Structures Using Java, by Nell Date, Daniel T. Joyce, Chip Weems, 3rd Edition, Jones & Batlett Publiher,2011, ISBN 0763710792



Other references:


Data Structures with Java, by William H. Ford, William R. Topp 2005,Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-047724-9


Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley ,March 2010 , ISBN 0136091814

Data Structure & Algorithms in JAVA, by Micheal T Goodrich and Roberto Tamasia Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2004




  1. Synopsis:



This course is a continuation of COCS 202 and COCS 203. While COCS 202 focused on procedural programming issues, COCS 203 on object oriented programming method and COCS 304 focuses on data issues. The course also introduces the notion of complexity and performance tradeoffs in examining classic algorithms such as sorting and searching and classic data structures such as lists, sets and maps. The course will include a mixture of data structure implementation as well as using off-the-shelf components from the Java Collections Framework.


  1. Prerequisites:


COCS 203-Proramming II

  1. Type of course:




Specific goals for the course


  1. Upon finishing this course, the students should be able to:


  • Representation of Numeric Data: arrays, Character Data: strings and string processing
  • The ability to find complexity of algorithms
  • The knowledge of linear and non-linear data structures
  • The knowledge of recursion, sorting, searching algorithms and techniques


  1. This course aims to meet student outcomes (a), (b) and (i) of the ABET criterion 3.

Brief list of topics to be covered

  • Representation of Numeric and Character Data
  • Strings and string processing
  • Arrays, Matrices and Sparse Matrices
  • Linked Lists: representation of single, two and multi dimensional arrays, sparse matrices and their representation
  • Stacks: array based implementation in push & Pop operations, infix to postfix conversion, postfix evaluation,
  • Queues: array based implementation, circular queues, de queue, Priority Queues
  • Trees: Terminology and basic properties, binary tree, representing binary trees threaded binary trees, Binary search trees.
  • Searching And Sorting: Linear search, binary search, different types of sorting techniques, comparison of searching and sorting methods





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5/12/2018 6:34:33 PM